And the love continues as we take our 3rd multi-generational family mission trip to Rogersville, TN! We hope you are blessed by following along to see what God is doing not only among our team members, but also in the lives of people we meet along the way. May God be glorified through all we say and do!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Here we go...again!!!

6 days and counting till we leave for Rogersville!!!  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it and for LOTS of reasons.  Here are a few:
1- Mission trips just turn me upside down w/ anticipation and excitement :)
2- There are 31 "rookies" and 38 "repeats" going back to TN for more action!
3- We are taking on new challenges this year we've never done before!  New stuff = fun stuff :)
4- 23 of the 69 people going are children or youth (don't tell but those are my favorite peeps!)
5- This year my 7 year old Jennings will be coming with me for his first ever mission trip!!!
There is no doubt this year's trip is going to be a blessing to all involved.  I have said before, every mission trip I've ever been on is special - each in it's own unique way.  Every experience is different, and the lessons learned are unique to the people and the situations that God places you in.  It never ceases to amaze me how God can take you to the same place and yet it can be completely different.  I know that once again, He has big things in store for our team members and the people of Rogersville.  I just can't wait to see what they are...stay tuned, it's gonna be good and no doubt will bless your socks off before the week is over!

1 comment:

  1. Okay Amy, Satan has been working hard all day to keepe from posting anything. I've started a Facebook post four different times tp day, but have yet to get one completed. Now I've spent about 45 minutes trying to submit a post on here, but I can't see where I can do anything but post a comment in response to a post. I recieved an email when you posted this because I subscribed last year. But you mentioned that you sent am invitation to each of us. It might have gone to my work email. Could you resend it to me a Dukenmelinda@
    Thanks, Melinda
