Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 1: Today has been nothing short of awesome! Lori,Tina, Grace Ann,Abby and I had the opportunity to love on a very special lady. Although we didn't get to any cleaning we did clean out a room so the construction crew can replace the floor. In our small group time we were asked how we saw God move today.....for me God revealed himself to me through silver. We were asked to clean out a bedroom. Needless to say, TLC hoarders is a nice comparison ! In the middle of all the trash ( and I mean lots) was this set of unpolished silver utensils. I opened it and showed Lori in amazement. My first thought was how in the middle of all this junk could we find this. God spoke to me and showed me through silver just how much he loves me!! No matter how un polished we are and how much junk we have we are pure and perfect to him. Abby was great today and continues to blow me away with her compassion to serve. We are looking forward to Day 2 and what God has in store for our team!

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